Nepal is not only known as a popular trekking destination but is also known for its varieties of delicious delicacies that are culturally distinct. Nepali foods are distinct from western fast foods. The Nepali foods listed in this article are popular among people because of their different tastes. Each dish compels you to eat more and more. Nepali cuisine is beyond just a simple ‘Dal-Bhat’(Rice and Pulses). Various communities of Nepal extensively influence the menu.


Nepal's most distinctive dishes are probably dal bhat (rice and lentils) and the popular momos (dumplings). There is no better way to understand Nepal and the Nepali people, than through their cuisine. Nepal does not have one distinct cooking style. However, food habits differ depending on the region. Nepali food has been influenced by Indian and Tibetan styles of cooking. Authentic Nepali taste is found in Newari and Thakali cuisines. which are available in a large number of eateries spread all over the valley. The regular Nepali meal is dal (lentil soup), bhat (boiled rice) and tarkari (curried vegetables), most often accompanied by achar (pickle) or just raw chillie. Curried meat is very popular. Acquired from Tibetans, momos (steamed or fried dumplings) deserve a mention as one of the most popular snack among Nepalis. It is also taken as a whole meal especially by office goers during lunch. Rotis (flat bread) and dhedo (boiled flour) also make meals in some homes especially in rurl areas. 38 Wherever you go, your trip would be incomplete without getting an opportunity to taste the local cuisine. Nepal is the land of diverse cuisine. The vast number of ethnic groups have their own deicacies depending on the topography and climate of the region. Rice is the major source of energy in the country, and Nepali people love to consume two times a day, as lunch and dinner, on a daily basisi. However, side dishes may vary from lentils to vegetable curries to meat curries to extremely spicy pickle and in the Himalayan region their meals are completely different. Rice remaining constant, the side dishes bring in a lot of variety to the meals in the Nepali cuisine. Depending upon culture and ethnicity, cooking in the Nepali homes (where the cooks are always the housewife) tend to settle curries with complex spices that she has learned from her mother, which traditionally has been in use for centuries. Nepal's cuisine is mostly, but not all of them, spicy, however on request, spices can be reduced without compromising the taste of the dish. Newars, indigenous to the Kathmandu Valley, cater the best snacks in the country. Their cuisine makes much use of buffalo meat, however, their vegetable soup, made of potato and bamboo shoot, is something else. They have a large variety of meat dishes using every part of what's availabl like the liver, interstine, lungs etc. They arre especially cooked during feasts but are popular dishes in little eateries where people go to drink and ask for these as snacks. People of mid-hills of Nepal are renowned for their heavy and delicious lunches.39 Especially, Thakalis are notable for producing high-grade rice, lentils, vegetables, and curries in the country. Even Kathmandu is filling up with Thakali restaurants. But Pokhara is one of the best palces to try Thakali food if not the trekking routes where they live in the Annapurna region. The Himalayan cuisine of Nepal is much influenced by Tibetan culture. Exquisite yak cheese of the Himalayan region is notably famous all over the country, and beyond. Butter tea and noodles are also often consumed in this region. The lowlands of Nepal, Madhesh (Tarai), is the grain producing region of the country. Much of the food and fruits of Nepal are produced in the vast sweltering plains. Tharu, indigenous locals of the Tarai make delicious food of 'chicher' and they are also known to make mouth watering fish curry as they are keen fishermen besides being farmers. Nepali people, normally have their lunch before leaving for work, school, or colleges. So, there is a system of having a healthy, but lighter meal during lunch time accompanied by tea. But with changing times, the younger more affluent generation follows the western system of breakfast, lunch and dinner. For many theTibetan dish called momo is the staple diet during lunch. However this delicacy has been localized by adding a spicy soup in which the momos are floated and eaten together the way one eats noodle soup.This is known as momo cha and is religiously served at every party and by most restaurants in town as if its the national dish.


Thousands of years old recipes passing down from generation to generation, Nepalese food are close to Nepalese people’s culture and their feelings. If you’re looking to immerse yourself into the Nepali culture, these foods are must-try. These cuisines have distinct flavors and essence that enrich you with the ultimate Nepali experience. Here are some authentic Nepali foods that you have to try when you are in Nepal. Let’s take a tour around Nepal’s typical cuisines. It is the most readily availabe cusine all over Nepal in a relative price.


Dal Bhat

This probably is the heaviest dish you will try in Nepal. This traditional meal is commonly cooked in the Nepali kitchen, thus you can call it a national dish. Rice is served with lentil and side dishes such as meat, vegetables, curd, and pickles. Utterly satisfying Dal Bhat is a popular meal among trekkers. It is full of carbohydrates and protein. It keeps you full all day and supplies you with the required energy for long hours. Elevate the taste by adding raw chilies.


Newari Khaja

Newari Khaja, also known as ‘Newari Bhoye’ and ‘Samai Baji’ is an ethnic food of the Newar community. Earlier, Newari khaja was just limited to Newari people, which they would consume during special occasions but the time has changed. The fanbase of this dish is massive all around Nepal now. Newari Khaja is a combined dish that comprises several items such as baji (beaten rice), achar, chhoyela, egg, soybeans, bara, Aalu Tama, chhyang (fermented rice beer) and curd.



Another delicious Newari dish that makes this list is Yomari. Yomari is a traditional dish made up of rice flour and chaaku (sugarcane juice, jaggery, ghee, and nuts.). It involves a long process to prepare this unique yet delicious item. Chaaku is filled in it and steamed. Chaaku is not the only fillings people prefer nowadays. We can find yomari filled with khuwa and meat. It’s a heavenly food for the sweet tooth. The Thick dough with warm melted bitter sweet chaaku gives it a heavenly taste.



Another newari item makes it to the list, and that is chatamari. Chatamari is made up of rice flour. A thick batter is made out of rice flour. Various ingredients such as grounded meat, eggs, peas are used to garnish on the top of it giving it exotic look and taste. Vegetables are used as toppings on chatamari for vegetarian and meat toppings are also available for non-vegetarians.The chatamari visually appears as pizza but the taste is not the same. It is a must try dish and has a unique local typical Newari taste.



The must-try dish when you are in Nepal is the mouthwatering dumplings of momo. Momo is undoubtedly one of the favorite cuisines of Nepalese. Momo comes in a lot of varieties.It comes in various flavors and different sizes. Besides momo dumplings, its sauce (momo achaar) is the interesting part. Plunge into the richness of the momo sauce, which is made up of the generous amount of spices that enhances the taste of the momo.


Gundruk ko Achar

An extraordinary nepali item, gundruk ko achar, have a bit different smell and taste. Newbies might take some time to accommodate the taste of gundruk ko achar. Gundruk is a fermented leafy green vegetable prepared from mustard leaves, radish leaves, and cauliflower leaves.Gundruk ko achar is prepared by mixing soaked gundruk, chopped onion, green chilies, tomato, garlic, ginger, mustard oil, fenugreek, turmeric, lemon, and salt. Adding some grains of roasted bhatmas, elevates the taste of the dish to the next level.


Discover a world of flavors in Nepal, from wholesome dal-bhat to popular momos & more.


Nepalese Cuisine combines a range of ingredients, techniques and characteristics from its neighboring countrie,s with its own gastronomic history.











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